Tuesday, October 29, 2013

#NextTrends with Guy Kawasaki and Ann Mack at the 3% Conference

As a 3 percenter (a woman who has held a creative director title in marketing), I was excited that my current employer, Rosetta,  sponsored a Fireside Chat called “What’s Next? Creative Trends + Roles” with Silicon Valley pioneer and author, Guy Kawasaki, and Director of Global Trendspotting at JWT, Ann Mack.  The chat was part of The3% Conference, a two day, 400-person event in San Francisco that brought together some of the best marketing minds in the country (female and male) to address the scarcity of women in creative leadership roles, an issue that is near and dear to me. 

I covered the chat on Rosetta's blog, Currents. Here are some of the Tweetable moments from Guy and Ann.

On Mobile. 
·      Your phone is not your second screen, it's your first screen.  – Guy
·      The horse is already out of the barn and having intercourse. – Guy about mobile first approach
·      The dogs aren't eating the dog food. – Guy about traditional companies resistance to mobile.
·      Once you have your credit card info in, buying is so easy it's scary. – Ann
·      Unless you are generating text-focused content, the center of your universe is the phone. - Guy

On Google Glass. 
·      Even a little geeky for me. - Guy
·      Maybe women think it's stupid. – Guy, on why more men ask about Google Glass when they see it than women.

On Personalization and Privacy. 
·      Why are people so afraid of being watched by tech companies? - Guy
·      The people who are the most concerned about their privacy have the most boring lives. - Guy
·      There’s no such thing as a free ride.  – Guy, on gathering private information.
·      Ensure value exchange is clear, with tangible benefits. – Ann, on using online info.

On Social Oversharing. 
·      Pseudonyms, dark room parties, more exclusive social groups – Ann on the evolution of social media
·      I found my 50% chance life mate! I'd want to spread the news – Guy onno photo sharing weddings

On Facebook vs. Google+. 
·      In the battle between Facebook and Google+ GOOGLE will ultimately prevail. - Guy
·      Better to be a search engine in a social space than a social company with bad search.  - Guy
·      Google+ has a tremendous advantage called GOOGLE. - Guy

On The Power Of Images. 
·      Visual images are the future of communication. – Ann
·      Post with pictures to increase interaction 5-10x. - Guy

On Creative destruction
·      Old, tall white men want to control the world, and they should just give it up.  - Guy
·      Everyone freaks out about the next innovation, but with every generation the human mind can handle it. - Guy
·      Monopolistic businesses who oppose peer-to-peer products like @Uber @Airbnb are hypocrites. - Guy

On Women in Tech and Advertising
·      We have male engineers and male marketers selling to women - something is wrong with that.  – Guy
·      Business is so competitive - why would you wipe out half the candidates just because they're women? - Guy
·      Just hire the best person regardless of gender. – Guy
·      It may be that the way a women can accomplish what she wants is to take the entrepreneurial path. - Guy
·      Competing on the basis of your competence, not your gender, is the best possible world. – Guy
·      Be entrepreneurial within a larger organization. More resources. More support. More success. - Ann
·      Don't ask for permission, just do it. - Ann on women getting ahead

On Fried Peanut Butter Sandwiches.
·      I post food pics because I want people to see me having fun and not always just my brand. - Guy
To learn more about the Fireside Chat or Rosetta’s sponsorship visit the 3% Conference recap and our blog post, Changing The Agency Dance One Step At A Time.

Rosetta sponsored a Fireside Chat last week called “What’s Next? Creative Trends + Roles” with Silicon Valley pioneer and author, Guy Kawasaki, and Ann Mack, director of global trendspotting at JWT.  The chat was part of The 3% Conference, a 2-day, 400-person event in San Francisco that brought together some of the best marketing minds in the country (female and male) to address the scarcity of women in creative leadership roles. Rosetta was honored to be part of the conference and to sponsor the lively discussion about emerging digital trends and their impact on the creative field.
Rosetta created the hashtag #NextTrends to capture the engaging conversation which covered topics from mobile to Guy’s love of fried peanut butter sandwiches. Here are the tweetable Ann and Guy moments.
- See more at: http://currents.rosetta.com/#sthash.sSbCYqV7.dpuf
Rosetta sponsored a Fireside Chat last week called “What’s Next? Creative Trends + Roles” with Silicon Valley pioneer and author, Guy Kawasaki, and Ann Mack, director of global trendspotting at JWT.  The chat was part of The 3% Conference, a 2-day, 400-person event in San Francisco that brought together some of the best marketing minds in the country (female and male) to address the scarcity of women in creative leadership roles. Rosetta was honored to be part of the conference and to sponsor the lively discussion about emerging digital trends and their impact on the creative field.
Rosetta created the hashtag #NextTrends to capture the engaging conversation which covered topics from mobile to Guy’s love of fried peanut butter sandwiches. Here are the tweetable Ann and Guy moments.
- See more at: http://currents.rosetta.com/#sthash.sSbCYqV7.dpuf
Rosetta sponsored a Fireside Chat last week called “What’s Next? Creative Trends + Roles” with Silicon Valley pioneer and author, Guy Kawasaki, and Ann Mack, director of global trendspotting at JWT.  The chat was part of The 3% Conference, a 2-day, 400-person event in San Francisco that brought together some of the best marketing minds in the country (female and male) to address the scarcity of women in creative leadership roles. Rosetta was honored to be part of the conference and to sponsor the lively discussion about emerging digital trends and their impact on the creative field.
Rosetta created the hashtag #NextTrends to capture the engaging conversation which covered topics from mobile to Guy’s love of fried peanut butter sandwiches. Here are the tweetable Ann and Guy moments.
- See more at: http://currents.rosetta.com/#sthash.sSbCYqV7.dpuf
Rosetta sponsored a Fireside Chat last week called “What’s Next? Creative Trends + Roles” with Silicon Valley pioneer and author, Guy Kawasaki, and Ann Mack, director of global trendspotting at JWT.  The chat was part of The 3% Conference, a 2-day, 400-person event in San Francisco that brought together some of the best marketing minds in the country (female and male) to address the scarcity of women in creative leadership roles. Rosetta was honored to be part of the conference and to sponsor the lively discussion about emerging digital trends and their impact on the creative field.
Rosetta created the hashtag #NextTrends to capture the engaging conversation which covered topics from mobile to Guy’s love of fried peanut butter sandwiches. Here are the tweetable Ann and Guy moments.
- See more at: http://currents.rosetta.com/#sthash.sSbCYqV7.dpuf
Rosetta sponsored a Fireside Chat last week called “What’s Next? Creative Trends + Roles” with Silicon Valley pioneer and author, Guy Kawasaki, and Ann Mack, director of global trendspotting at JWT.  The chat was part of The 3% Conference, a 2-day, 400-person event in San Francisco that brought together some of the best marketing minds in the country (female and male) to address the scarcity of women in creative leadership roles. Rosetta was honored to be part of the conference and to sponsor the lively discussion about emerging digital trends and their impact on the creative field.
Rosetta created the hashtag #NextTrends to capture the engaging conversation which covered topics from mobile to Guy’s love of fried peanut butter sandwiches. Here are the tweetable Ann and Guy moments.
- See more at: http://currents.rosetta.com/#sthash.sSbCYqV7.dpuf

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